Wednesday, 7 July 2010

New Seasons

It's been a while since my last post, partly because I never knew what to say. A lot was happening in my life and the Lord was teaching me many lessons, but most of them I needed to keep to myself for a while...looking to Jesus and trusting that He knew what He was doing, no matter how much it didn't make sense to me. Once again the seasons are changing, but this time I can share it with the world.

My best friend of almost 2 years and I have decided to embark on a new journey together. After much prayer, waiting on the Lord, wrestling with the Lord, Bible verses, more prayer, "patiently" waiting, more verses, and more prayer, we felt the Lord leading both of us into a relationship with each other. He has been such an encouragement to me over these past couple years, but especially since last summer. I am truly blessed that the Lord has placed him in my life and constantly uses him as a tool to point me to Jesus. As we've grown to get to know each other, our hearts for ministry (as well as many other things) are the same. It's been a privilege to serve alongside him so far and I'm excited to see what else the Lord has in store for us.

Are any of you waiting for something? Does it seem like an answer my never come? Remember, fix your eyes upon Jesus. Trust that He is working behind the scenes in ways you couldn't even imagine. Know that His timing is perfect and continue to seek HIM, not an answer, but Jesus.

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6